Group Project


  1. I’ve updated the gold data to remove the part of the Semcor corpus that only annotated verbs. Please get the new files below.
  2. I have now uploaded the plain-text sentences (detokenized) for the train and test sets. Use these as inputs to your system like sents.txt. Download links are below.
  3. The evaluation script is uploaded. Download link is below
  4. (2020-11-16) I added more information on the Report format
  5. (2020-11-16) I expanded on producing annotations and file redirection
  6. (2020-11-17) I clarified in the appendix that students are not expected to do anything for that section
  7. (2020-11-17) I explained why you would need to use the code in Looking Up Synsets From Synset-IDs


You will improve upon a basic, automatic WordNet sense tagger. You can create a basic tagger using the NLTK as follows:

import nltk

def sense_tag(words):
    pairs = []
    for word in words:
        synsets = wn.synsets(word)
        if synsets:
            pairs.append((word, synsets[0]))
            pairs.append((word, None))
    return pairs

This only pairs words with the first synset WordNet has for the word, or None if there are no synsets. You and your group will start with this basic, baseline model, and produce different versions with various improvements. You will then estimate the quality of your tagger against human-annotated gold data.

Directions for Students

The script in your project repository is already written and nothing needs to be changed unless you want to specify additional arguments. There are two modules in the hg2051project package:

├──   -- contains code for sense tagging
└──    -- contains code for miscellaneous tasks (e.g., tokenization)

You are to modify the with any improvements to the sense tagging. Functions may be added or modified in to improve the preprocessing or add postprocessing.

You are expected to implement the following improvements:

There are a few related tasks necessary to complete the assignment:

I also want to see you use some software-engineering skills to develop the project. For example:

Note: for the most-frequent-sense, evaluation, and report tasks, details will be provided at a later time.

Gold Data

The gold data come from the SemCor corpus. You should use the training data for “eyeballing” (as we do below) and for training your system. You may also want to split off some development data to help with tuning your system. You should not evaluate with the gold data until you’re near completion.

The corpus has both part-of-speech and WordNet sense annotations. The annotations, however, are on chunks and not words; that is, multi-word expressions get a single tag. For example, let’s look at the first example of the training data:

Fulton County Grand Jury        NE
said    state.v.01
Friday  friday.n.01
investigation   probe.n.01
Atlanta atlanta.n.01
recent  late.s.03
primary election        primary.n.01
produced        produce.v.04
evidence        evidence.n.01
irregularities  abnormality.n.04
took place      happen.v.01

You’ll note that some words, like The, of, or ’s, do not have any annotation. Named entitles, such as Fulton County Grand Jury only get NE as the tag. NE is not a WordNet sense; SemCor gave a WordNet sense for a generic kind of named entity, such as group.n.01, but I discarded those because named entities are a difficult problem and I think we can just ignore them for this project. Some named entites, however, have a sense, such as Atlanta, because those senses exist in WordNet. Also note that some individual words (like irregularities) have one sense and some multi-word expressions (like took place) have one sense. If you look later in the file, you may also see that some sentences do not have annotation on words that clearly could be given a sense. That is, the annotation is incomplete. (update: I have removed this part of the annotation; it turns out that only verbs were annotated for half the corpus).

Reading the Gold Data

I have provided the load() function in the script (see below) which loads the Semcor files, and you are free to use it. If you have already written something that works but want to use my implementation in the end, keep your version around with a comment. I will consider the effort put into your version when assigning partial credit). The load() function works like this:

>>> sentences = load('semcor-train.txt')
>>> first_sent = sentences[0]
>>> for words, label in first_sent[:3]:
...     print(words, f'label={label!r}')
('The',) label=None
('Fulton', 'County', 'Grand', 'Jury') label='NE'
('said',) label='state.v.01'

Looking Up Synsets From Synset-IDs

The script expects sense_tag() in to return a list of (word, synset) pairs where the synset is either a Synset object from the NLTK’s WordNet module or None, meaning no-synset. You therefore have a need to lookup synsets from the synset identifiers in the gold data (so sense_tag() can return the proper objects). You should not try to split the word form and part-of-speech out of the synset identifier (e.g., to get "friday" and "n" from "friday.n.01") and then look it up with wn.synsets(...) because it’s not guaranteed to get the same synset. Instead use wn.synset(...) with the identifier as its only argument. However, there are some challenges when doing this. When you read the labels from the gold data, you might get one of the following:

If you try and call wn.synset(label) with any except the valid ID, you’ll get an error, and each gives a different kind of error. Since we did not cover exception handling in class, I will give you the following code which looks up valid IDs and ignores the others:

    synset = wn.synset(label)
except (AttributeError, ValueError, nltk.corpus.reader.wordnet.WordNetError):
    synset = None

You can put this in your function somewhere (and import nltk) and it can help if you need to get the NLTK’s Synset objects for these labels.

An alternative to the above is to modify so it doesn’t expect sense_tag() to return Synset objects, but in general I think the above is easier.

Producing Annotations

Once your code is working, you can run as a script with a sentence file as its argument. For example:

$ python semcor-test-sents.txt

If all is good, you should see outputs that are formatted like the gold data printed to the terminal. If you want to write these to a file, you need to redirect them using the > operator:

$ python semcor-test-sents.txt > test.sys

This will create or replace the test.sys file with the output of the command. Once the file is created, you can proceed to evaluate it.


An evaluation script is provided here:

You run it at the terminal with two arguments: the gold data and the corresponding system outputs which were created above. (note: the following uses the output of the baseline system without any modifications):

$ python semcor-test.txt test.sys
  Gold tokens   :  44007
  System tokens :  38435
  Skipped tokens:  28566
  Gold labels   :  21412
  System labels :  22772
  Matched labels:   3327
  Precision: 0.15  (3327 / 22772)
  Recall   : 0.16  (3327 / 21412)
  F-score  : 0.15  (2PR / (P + R))

Gold and system tokens are the number of individual tokens (considering multi-word expressions) in each file. When the tokenization method does not produce the same tokens as in the gold, unaligned tokens will be skipped. This number is shown by “skipped tokens” (the default string.split() is really bad! Even the default NLTK tokenizer is much better). Gold and system labels are how many sense annotations there are for each file. The “matched labels” is the number of labels that (a) were on aligned tokens and (b) the same label. Below, the following scores are calculated using the label counts:

For this task, calculating the accuracy (proportion of tokens that are correctly labeled or correctly not labeled) is difficult because the number of tokens is not the same for the gold and system files.



The final task is that you write a report describing your efforts. The report should be ~2 pages (or 6-12 paragraphs) It does not need to be a .pdf or .docx file, and instead you can just create a file (preferred) or even just a ## Report section of If you create a new file, don’t forget to add and commit it to Git.

In your report I would like to see the following:

Extra Credit

There are two options (you can do both) for extra credit. The extra credit contributes towards this project and not your overall course grade (you can get 100% without doing extra credit, but cannot go over 100% with it).

Multi-Word Expression (MWEs)

Sometimes the best sense doesn’t tag a single word but multiple words. For instance, for “coffee filter” you could either tag it as:

coffee  coffee.n.01
filter  filter.n.01

Or as:

coffee filter   coffee_filter.n.01

In general, the more precise sense is better. For this task, you would need to decide how to group words, how to look them up, collectively, in wordnet, and how to decide if a sense for the multi-word expression is better than those for individual words.

Error Analysis

After you have finished implementing your improvements and have evaluted the tagger’s performance, do a more thorough examination of the cases that went wrong. Are there obvious categories of error types? What might have caused these errors? What would need to be done to fix them?

Appendix: Formatting the Gold Data

Note: You are not expected to do anything with the following code!

The gold data comes from the SemCor corpus. I used the code below to create the formatted semcor-train.txt and semcor-test.txt files. If you are curious about how it works, you can see the code below. You do not need to run or understand the code for your group project.

import nltk
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
from nltk.corpus import semcor

train = []
test = []

# Semcor has both POS and WordNet sense tags. Specify WN senses with 'sem'
# Use enumerate() to keep track of which sentence we're on
for i, sent in enumerate(semcor.tagged_sents(tag='sem'), 1):
    sent_data = []  # reset list for each sentence

    # tagged_sents() returns a list of chunks
    for chunk in sent:

        # semcor tags chunks of text as tree objects;
        if isinstance(chunk, nltk.tree.Tree):
            words = chunk.leaves()  # leaves of the tree are a list of words
            label = chunk.label()   # label could be one of several things

            # ignore any synset for named entities
            if chunk.height() == 3 and chunk[0].label() == 'NE':
                label = 'NE'
            # some other string labels may be synset identifiers (but maybe not)
            elif isinstance(label, str):
                    label = wn.synset(label).name()
                except (ValueError, nltk.corpus.reader.wordnet.WordNetError):
            # most will be Lemma objects; get the synset
            elif isinstance(label, nltk.corpus.reader.wordnet.Lemma):
                label= label.synset().name()
            # ignore anything else
                label = ''

        # untagged text appears as a list of words
            words = chunk
            label = ''

        sent_data.append(f'{" ".join(words)}\t{label}')

    # Done with a sentence; put every tenth one into the testing data
    if i % 10 == 0:

# print to training file
with open('semcor-train.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
    for lines in train:
        for line in lines:
            print(line, file=file)
        print(file=file)  # print a blank line after each sentence

# print to testing file
with open('semcor-test.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
    for lines in test:
        for line in lines:
            print(line, file=file)
        print(file=file)  # print a blank line after each sentence